Page Tree

The structure of page tree.

Page tree is a tree that includes all the pages, separator and folders.

It will be sent to the client and being referenced in the sidebar or breadcrumb. Hence, you shouldn't store any sensitive or large data in page tree.


Unserializable data such as functions can't be passed to page tree.


Items can be either a separator, page or folder.


It contains a url, an optional icon and display name.

  "type": "page",
  "name": "Quick Start",
  "url": "/docs"


It contains a display name, an optional icon, a list of items and the index page if exists.

    "type": "folder",
    "name": "Guide",
    "index": {
        "type": "page",
    "children": [

As Root

To implement multiple page trees, you can add a root property to the folder node. The nearest root folder of current page will be used as the root of page tree.


It only contains a display name.

  "type": "separator",
  "name": "Components"


Icon is a ReactElement, supported by pages and folders.


export const tree = [
    type: 'page',
    name: 'Quick Start',
    url: '/docs',
    type: 'separator',
    name: 'Guides',
    type: 'page',
    name: 'Example',
    url: '/docs/example',

Type Bindings

You can import the type from server package.

import type { PageTree } from 'fumadocs-core/server'

const tree: PageTree = ...

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